Socially Aware Robotic Assistant Introduced at World Economic Forum

At Socially Aware Robotic Assistant, a robot has introduced which detect your mood. This SARA was developed by the Carnegie Mellon University which gave surprise to the people at WEF by understanding their words and non-verbal behavior to build a relationship.

The CMU students as a research project they have designed this Socially Aware Robotic Assistant and introduced in the WEF meeting which is organized at ski resort town last week.

Carnegie Mellon University President Subra Suresh said “these SARA would take to other parts of the world including India for the exhibition. It may be licensed to some organization for commercial use. That decision will be taken by the concerned person or professor at the university.”

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At present technology is growing very fast, one of the opportunities for us to combine robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc. to create tools which will have the positive impact on society. Based on this algorithm SARA has came out.

It is a socially aware robotic assistant but not a robot. It is a just a computer screen which interacts with camera in front and asks you questions.

By checking your expression of eyebrows, smile and face it can detect your mood and start a conversation with you. For example, if you have asked SARA to meet the president of CMU University then it will answer would you like to meet him or talk to him.

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This SARA will significantly useful for the old people who are living lonely and need assistance. This has been tried on children who are suffering from autism, and they performed better. So, those are the things SARA can do for teaching, assisting and customizing for you.


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