When you are in Wikipedia, you will not be aware of how much time you spent on the internet. You just keep clicking worthlessly on the linked sources and the site’s “Random article” options for hours. You keep learning everything you come across all the content.  The funny part in this entire session is illuminating, but it is hard to finding yourself snapping back to reality after the time spent and no idea how and where you got the last entry.

Now Wikiverse will resolve this problem for you. The site will cast the Wikipedia’s pages as the floating points of light in the 3D universe clustering “Stars” on the same topic like technology, society, music and others together. When you click on a star and immediately you can read the entries, as well as see the pages which are linked to it. Stretching across the universe as the coloured lines.

NASA’s Juno Mission: First Human Made Spacecraft Intersects Into Jupiter Orbit

This is an abstract re-invention of the Wikipedia’s knowledge dump. But surprisingly this is useful to couch the website’s billions of article more in the visual form by showing the links between the science, art, history and other important topics.

This is a visual treat and pretty, and Wikiverse also shows just how much the information Wikipedia holds. Although the site content is loaded with just 5% of the entire website content by zooming on the clusters gives us the same head rush which we get about how many stars will be in our galaxy.

NASA’s Mission to launch a Sample Killer Asteroid

For anyone who has been playing No Man’s Sky in the recent times, then it will be a familiar way for you all to explore this website’s vast areas of information and for everyone else. Now even it is easier to get sucked into a Wikipedia hole.


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