Google took the initiative to reduce pollution caused by its digital services. Considering the fact that people search Google trillions of times every year and over 400 hours of YouTube videos have been uploaded. Altogether, these consume an incredible amount power for processing. This move from Google is ahead of its data centers which a group of engineers is working on over the years. These data centers make Google more energy efficient, but there is still a need for a lot of energy to power the products.

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Google has also begun purchasing renewable energy for reducing carbon footprint and deal with climate change. However, it is a thing to rethink considering the business sense. Now, Google announces that the company will reach 100% in making use of renewable energy for their global operations.

Also, the Search engine giant claims to be the first corporations to create large-scale, long-term contracts to buy renewable energy directly. The company has signed an agreement to purchase 114-megawatt electricity from a wind farm in Iowa back in 2010. Google is the world’s largest corporate buyer of renewable power today.

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“Our 20 renewable energy projects also help support communities, from Grady County, OK, to Rutherford County, NC, to the Atacama Region of Chile to municipalities in Sweden. To date, our purchasing commitments will result in infrastructure investments of more than $3.5 billion globally. These projects also generate tens of millions more to local and national governments in tax revenue.” Google mentioned in a Blogpost.

Google is on track to match their global energy consumption on an annual basis by 2017. Operating business in an environmentally sustainable way is a core value from the beginning. Google is always working on new ideas to turn sustainability into a reality. While scientists argue upon tackling climate change is much needed global priority, Google believes private sector must take bold steps in partnership with policy leaders.