Things are still not alright between the 2 powerful nations: the United States and Russia. The chief capital of the United States, Washington continues to impose more pain on Russia using economy as a tool. The more intensified and stricter economic policies, which are imposed by the United States, are sure to suppress Russia to a deeper extent.

The severe impositions are reported not to stop as long as the country does not behave in accordance to the expectations of the United States. It is more like a threat that the United States has foisted on Russia and it would all end only if the US is convinced with Russia’s steps and actions.

The President of the United States, Donald Trump and his team of administration officials said to the world as recently as Tuesday that the US lawmakers are ready to impose stronger, stricter, and very serious economic measures, which can multiply the pain that Russia is undergoing. The US is all set to invent and splash counteractions and throw-back activities against Russia.     

 The United States perceives Russia in a rebel manner, wherein the country’s malign acts and activities are testing the patience of the United States. The US has decided that such ambitious and adventuresome attitudes will be counteracted for sure.

We can bring much more economic pain to bear using our powerful range of authorities - and that we will not hesitate to do so if its conduct does not demonstrably and significantly change,” said Sigal Mandelker, the Deputy Treasury Secretary to the Senate Banking Committee.  

Trump has been very confident on his view points and has also stuck to his thoughts. He repeatedly said to the world about his perceptions. He would love to tie up with Moscow and there is no personal rivalry involved in the issue.

In order to build better relations with Russia, Trump met Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia last month. Trump was very clear about this step of building better bond with Russia, but the results are strongly against the scenario. The bondage and relationship between the US and Russia are further tamed and stressed.      


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