A yoga class goer would have possibly heard about the word, Chakras. When you enter the yoga class, you are full of worries, which is bad as our problems don’t stay behind. So often, when we head towards the yoga mat, we are probably thinking about the conflicts going on in the relationship and want to boost energy.

When you find the right class, you’ll feel lighter, clearer and refreshed. Cheers to the credit of the different stress busting powers after doing a good yoga workout session!

Here comes the theory of Chakras. The ancient yogis have found that different yoga poses will chalk up your subtle body. Subtle body is the part of your body, which one can’t touch or feel. It’s the place where your energy flows. And in this subtle body, there are three different key points that are the main maelstrom of energy. Let’s take a look at the Chakras.

Crown Chakra

The first one is the Crown Chakra commonly known as Sahasrara. The colour is white or violet, with a chanting sound of “OM” and the main element is cosmic energy. This chakra connects with the spiritual realm and the beauty itself. It mainly hovers above the crown of the head. This chakra is linked with other chakras of the body and therefore it affects not only the organs of your body but also your nervous system and brain.

Third Eye Chakra

The second one is Third Eye Chakra commonly known as Ajna. The colour is indigo, with a chanting sound of “OM” and the main element is light. The perfect location is between the eyes and on the forehead and that’s why it is also known as brow chakra. This chakra is associated with the sixth sense of your body and the intuition, which governs the functioning of other chakras.

Throat Chakra

The third one is Throat Chakra commonly known as Vishuddha. The colour is blue with a sound of “Ham” and the main element is ether. As the name suggests, this chakra is associated with the ability to communicate verbally. When there’s a blockage in this chakra, you may feel like you can’t find your truth or your voice.

Heart Chakra

The fourth one is Heart Chakra commonly known as Anahata. The colour is green with a sound of “Yam” and the main element is air. The perfect location is between your chest, which is just above your heart. It is also called the heart centre in some of the yoga classes. When heart chakra is blocked, the person becomesco-dependent and possessive while living in a dysfunctional relationship.

Navel or Solar Plexus Chakra

The fifth one is Navel Chakra commonly known as Manipura. The colour is yellow with sound of “Ram” and the main element is fire. The perfect location is above the abdomen in the stomach area. The blockages in this chakra is caused commonly due to ulcers, indigestion, heartburn or any eating disorder. When this chakra is in balance, you feel alive and have self-esteem and confidence.

Pelvic or Sacral Chakra

The sixth one is Sacral or Pelvic Chakra commonly known as Svadhisthana. The colour is orange with sound “Yam” and the main element is water. The perfect location of this chakra is just below the bellybutton and above the public bone. This chakra is associated with your sexual and reproductive organs. It also represents fertility, fluidity and creativity.

Root Chakra

The seventh one is root chakra commonly known as Muladhara. The colour is red with sound “Lam” and the main element is earth. The exact location of this chakra is in the base of the spine or in the tailbone area. It is mainly associated with feelings of survival, family ties, belonging and guardedness. When this chakra is blocked, you become needy and will have low self-esteem.


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