lack of sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in physical health and well-being. In the 24/7 modern culture, many people report about the reduced quality of sleep and several studies have connected sleep deprivation with weight gain.

Lack of sleep can have many consequences including, making you feel drowsy all day, dropped energy levels, no concentration, etc. According to the British study, Sleep loss can have a severe impact on the waistline.

The researchers from the University of Leeds in West Yorkshire in England suggest that people who sleep for six hours a night have a waist size 3 centimetres greater than people who sleep for nine hours every day.

The study revealed that people who displayed poor sleeping patterns increase the risk of obesity by affecting people’s appetite. Sleepless ness can also be prone to week metabolic health increasing the risk of Type-2 diabetes.

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Over 1,615 adults were analyzed on how long they sleep and also keep track on the food they take. The participants had taken blood samples, and their weights are recorded.

The results stated that the people who slept for nine adequate hours showed no increase in waist line. Individuals who slept for six hours have increased weight around the waist line by 3 centimetres.

Another research stated that shorter sleep could lead to reducing levels of HDL cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is ‘good’ cholesterol that helps to remove ‘bad’ fat from the body and act against heart diseases.

Foods like Milk, Flaxseeds, Bananas, Almonds, and Walnuts are five foods to include in your diet that help you sleep better and make you feel energize whole day.
