Indian National Digital Library

Nidamarru: Indian National Digital Library is a vast collection of books and it serves as a platform for so many books in various languages. From kg to UG, students can find any textbook at one portal now. Even it includes various competitive exam preparation books, previous question papers book and so many.

Now the students can find what they are searching for at one stop in more than 70 languages. Almost 15 lakhs e-books belonging to 60+ categories can be found easily now. Not only the e-books but also so many lecture videos and tutorial videos, 10000+ digital classes for all engineering courses, 1 lakh audio classes on technology, science, agriculture, morals, ethics and much more. Technical reports, Monograph, Technical manuals, albums, law and order documents, videos, software can be downloaded for free of cost too.

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Students can also learn the English language, increase their skills by watching and listening various speaking/learning techniques, pronunciation, audio files; video files can be found at one stop. The study material is very much useful to learn English for an international study like IELTS, TOFEL, GRE, etc. The digital library constitutes so many e-books on Technology, Mathematics, Arts, Psychology, Social Studies, Religion related books, in so many languages are available in the form of the audio file, video files or PDF files.

The portal is to help the students find their textbooks easily without searching for so many sites as the site contain all the books from school to Graduation. All we need is to just open the site Register with your email address, confirm your mail id, and you will be good to go. Log in, and you can enjoy all the services for free.


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