Soon we can have Smartphone which will monitor health and food quality. This is announced by the VTT Technical Research Centre Finland. They have created the first hyperspectral mobile device which converts an iPhone camera into a new kind of optical sensor.

This hyperspectral camera will bring the new possibilities of low-cost spectral imaging to consumer applications. Smartphone users can use their mobile phones to sense food quality or monitor health in future.

VTT produces research services that extend the international competitiveness of companies, society and other customers at the stages of their innovation process. It creates their services in various products like Bio-economy, health, and well-being, Digital Society, low carbon energy, etc.

They have declared about monitoring environment in future. Usually, hyperspectral cameras are very expensive, and they are used in the medical, industrial, space and environmental sensing. The optical MEM’s spectral technology enables to develop the new mobile applications which sense the environment. They also include many other applications like health monitoring and food analysis. All of this forms part of an environment combining smart sensors with the Internet.

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Users can monitor the health and food quality. You can also check product authenticity and identify users based on biometric data. Driverless cars can sense and identify the environmental conditions

Anna Rissanen, the head of the research team said we have already developed the new applications for hyperspectral cameras. These apps include diagnosis of skin cancer, environmental sensing based on nano satellites, various drone applications for accurate agriculture and forest monitoring, and projects underway for the remote measurement of vessel emissions.

The optical spectral imaging helps to sense objects and analyzing material properties. This hyperspectral imaging access optical spectrum at each point. This MEMS filter is adjustable and tiny which is integrated with camera lens its adjustment is synchronized with the camera’s image capture system.

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At present days smart devices are providing huge opportunities for the processing of image data and various cloud services based on spectral data. This sensor technology will enable the hyperspectral imaging in a range of devices in which low-cost camera sensors are currently used