You don’t have to worry about driving the car after a few drinks. It is simple. The new key with the alcohol control will not let you drive if you will be drunk.
The Breathalyzer is the future and the good way to avoid a catastrophe.
Hitachi decided to cooperate with Honda to create a prototype for the smart keys that can open the car by a breath.
While police all over the world is trying to warn drivers from drinking, and it is still one of the main causes of all road accidents, two giants in the car industry can solve the problem.
Specialists from Hitachi and Honda will collaborate to produce breathalyzer for a smart key that can determine the level of alcohol.
When the smart key will find out the high level of alcohol in the driver’s breath, it will block the car. Driver will not be able to sit down inside, as it will be locked.
It will be very hard to trick the smart key, as far as it can separate the human breath and other gasses.
During three seconds after the driver breathed on the breathalyzer, it will gather the water from the breath and calculate the information.
According to the developers, despite the small measuring area in 5 mm square, new advice will be able to detect the level of alcohol with the highest quality.
Of course, we know many other breathalyzers that were developed earlier by many other firms. It can find the 0. 015 mg/l of ethanol concentration in the human’s breath.
It will work better, than the devices that could find 0.15 mg/l of ethanol, which in Japan is under the low, and considering as the crime.
There is still must be made few tests before Honda and Hitachi will officially present the technology on the international market. Probably, they will give more details in Detroit, US, next month, during the SAE exhibit.


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