Over the years, Google maps have evolved a long way and gained huge user base. It does provide information about the place along with transit information in real-time. The ability to navigate to the destination along with estimated time accredits for daily usage. Now, Google app update its ‘Popular times’ feature with real time data to the popularity of the place right now.

New Google map update lets you know the traffic of the place at present. You can simply select the place in the Google Maps search bar and it suggests you how crowded it is at the moment. You can choose the one if there are more than one outlets of the same place. “Live” tag in the Popular Times feature will let you know the present crowd status at the place.

GoogleMaps New Feature Helps you Avoid Crowded Places

“Since introducing the Popular Times feature in Google Search and Maps last year, you’ve been able to check how busy a place typically is at different times of the week. Just in time for the Black Friday swarms, we’re adding a real-time look at how crowded a place is right now, to help you decide where and when to go,” says Jamie Aspinall, Product manager at Google, in a blog post.

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Another time managing element in this Popular Times feature is, you can also know the usual time people spend at that particular place. You can help feature to improve the function by sending feedback if you have already been there earlier.

The feature is currently unavailable for the latest Search and Indian version of Google Maps app. Popular times feature may soon roll out to Google maps and then to Search users across the world.

Another latest feature is detailed service hours is now on Google Maps. This feature provides details about the business hours of restaurants, business places, stores, etc.

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