Digital transformation has become inevitable in business and technology. Most of the organisations have realised that strategic digital transformation is not just a source of the IT department but have created a rejuvenated form of the whole enterprise.

Before diving in the details of the two pillars that have made digital transformation a raging success, we firstly need to be aware of the types and areas of digital transformation.

Types and Areas of Digital Transformation

There are four types of digital transformation:

  • Business Process
  • Business Model
  • Domain
  • Culture

Branching them out will help an individual understand which type is more relatable to them in context of their work place and how it will impact their progression at work. Before digital transformation, few prospects were always prioritised by organisations, while others were neglected, but this digital age has brought those aspects into limelight.

Similarly, there are four areas of digital transformation:

  • Technology
  • Data
  • Process
  • Organisational Change

The most crucial point here is the key aspects that have been a silent yet most powerful element to have risen digital transformation to another level.

Changing the Business Culture

When it comes to transformation projects, most leaders are believed to concentrate on weaving new technology in the base of an organisation to achieve specific goals. Many of them have put factors like day-to-day operations and culture of the office in the back seat.

The organisation’s drive to reach the top or in par with their competitors has made them plunge into digital transformation. In recent years, they have realised that a driving force solely focused on growth and competitive pressure is still facing a threat in the market. So, organisations have started to put their efforts and finances into improving customer experience and business infrastructure.

Making changes in a business culture that has been inherited by the company from its elementary years is a very challenging job. But to balance a business culture, prioritising people and technology on same scale has been proven to be the best way for growth through digital transformation.

In conclusion, for a company’s digital success to flourish, it should empower its employees with changing technology skills. This is what Raktim Singh, the digital leader, has to say about successful digital transformation.

Security and Digital Transformation

The second pillar of the transformation is the security. Due to digital transformation organisations have been able to engender a slew of data in the past few years. This has resulted to company’s data becoming vulnerable to outside attacks and data breach. This eventually becomes a costly affair to manage.

To alleviate further risk, companies must provide a detailed information about security to all the employees and equip them with instruments to improve cyber security by regularly updating passwords and assimilating the two-step authentication process.

A well-managed security routine can add up to the responsibilities of the employees and can be quite daunting, but it is a much-needed transformation in this digital age. Hence, having a leader who is capable of handling such immense changes with ease while simultaneously supporting the employees will be imperative for the company’s future.

Hence, keeping culture and security tightly woven in the principals of an organisation will be the key steps to conquer digital transformation.


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