The traditional web service, Opera warns its users after intruders hacked its web sync.The search engine firm was quick enough to reset the passwords of all its users.
Opera recently decided to sell all its browser business to the Chinese consortium.

Opera Software develops the web browser Opera. The company has recently updated its latest version which is available on Microsoft Windows, Linux operating systems, OS X that uses the Blink layout engine. Presto layout engine, employed in the previous version is also available, and besides, it also runs FreeBSD engines.

The firm recently revealed the attackers gained access to Opera Sync, a service that lets the users synchronize their browser data and also the data settings across the multiple platforms. The investigation is in a process, but they initially believe that that the attackers may have compromised the user’s data, login names, including passwords.

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Opera stated that majority of its 350 million users wouldn’t be affected since most of them don’t use sync. But still leaves about 1.7 million active users at risk, and there are likely more inactive users who are storing useful passwords.

Breaching the data is quite common, but targeting the sync browser data is rare. The company also assures the users that their passwords are safe. The firm also requested its customers to use the password resetting page to obtain the new password for Opera Sync. The attack news of the company came on the next day when the Dropbox issued a password reset for the accounts that hasn’t changed from 2012.

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The company states that ”We have also sent emails to all Opera sync users to inform them about the incident and ask them to change the password for their Opera sync accounts. In an abundance of caution, we have encouraged users to also reset any passwords to third party sites they may have synchronized with the service. Although we only store encrypted (for synchronized passwords) or hashed and salted (for authentication) passwords in this system, we have reset all the Opera sync account passwords as a precaution.”

The web browser enterprise was in the news recently for its pre-installed Ad-blocker option which was opposed by many websites.