Wonder women from Australia with super memory

Australian woman can recite every single word from the Harry Potter series. She has a rare brain condition called Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM), making her remember every moment of her life in extraordinary detail.

With a rare brain condition called Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM), an Australian woman can recite every single word from the Harry Potter series.Becky Sharrock aged 26, hailing from Brisbane has a brain condition which gives her elephantine memory. She remembers each and every moment of her life in extraordinary detail.

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Ms Sharrock huge fan of harry potter books offered a small insight into how powerful her memory is where she rattlers off significant passage of Harry Potter passage word to word.”I tested her on the (Harry Potter) books because she says she can remember every single word from every single book,” said Allison Langdon who interviewed Sharrock for Channel 9.

“So I would pick up a book and open a page and read her a line and immediately she would tell the name of the book, chapter number, chapter name and could recite every word until I told her to stop,”said Langdon

Chapter 17 is the man with two faces. ‘And it starts on “It was Quirrel. You? Gasped Harry,”‘ Sharrock said when asked to recite chapter 17 of the first book in the Harry Potter series, the Philosopher’s Stone.Not only has this single chapter, but her memory also contained all the seven books in Harry Potter series. Moat of us must be thinking that she has got a boon but for her, it’s a curse too.

“At night, I have to sleep with the radio on and a soft light. If it’s too dark or quiet my mind just chatters away with all these memories, and I can’t sleep,” Sharrock said.”When I relive memories, the emotions come back. So if it’s something from when I was younger it’s like my mind is an adult but my emotions are the age that I was then,” she said.

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She is one among the 80 people who are diagnosed with the rare condition of Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM). She is the only Australian and only person globally tested with HSAM and Autism who are both contrary.”It’s quite phenomenal how it works. The brain is like a DVD with different chapters, and they can see it and picture it and jump forwards or backwards,” Langdon said.

“She always felt everyone remembers things like she can, but they could deal with it. She doesn’t understand how we forget things,” she said.