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No Compromise at All: The Issue of the US Pastor

The President of the United States, Donald Trump strictly sticks to his decisions with respect to the US pastor. He proclaimed “no concessions” to the opposite nation, Turkey. Very passionately, the US President Trump has been abiding by his perceptions and opinions. He said to the world that he shall not withdraw his stand against Turkey for the withheld US pastor.

Trump insisted his strong support towards the US pastor and he called the pastor “an innocent man of faith”. As an act of showing his support, Trump projected to the world that Turkey is on a wrong track and continuing the same way would lead that country towards blunders. Trump is very confident about his stand of ‘no concessions’.

The President Donald Trump’s instantaneous thought process could be the main reason behind all such developments happening presently. According to what Trump said, he had previously thought that Turkey would join hands with the United States as the US had helped free a respected citizen of Turkey, who was detained. Trump encouraged Israel to fight for the cause passionately.

Not always do calculations win! The same happened to the US President. To add to that, the US Pastor Andrew Brunson defends himself saying that all allegations made against him were deniable. It was said that the pastor was against Turkey’s president, which was then denied.  

When the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan refused to release the US Pastor Andrew Brunson, Trump imposed and raised taxes and tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Turkey to the country.

“I’m not concerned at all,” he said in an Oval Office interview on Monday with a leading news agency.  


American President Donald Trump Threatens to Shut Down Government over Border-Wall Funding

The US President, Donald Trump has threatened to shut down the Federal government, if the Democrats refuse to approve the changes he has proposed to make in the immigration laws. In the law proposition made by Donald Trumps, he has also included a point to build a wall along the Mexico-US border.

Since the time when Trump was appointed as the president of the United States in 2017, Donald Trump has used such threats of shutting down the government to get his work done, including the fund for building a wall along the southern border of the US. Previously, the operations of the government were disrupted in the month of November. This can backfire Trump if the Voters blame Trump’s party for the disruption. Voter’s blame game can be effective in the current scenario as they also control Congress.

On Sunday, Trump announced this declaration through his tweet in which he said that he is willing to shut down the government too to get his new laws approved. He also stated that the government needs to get rid of the Lottery, catch, and Release etc. and go for a new system based on merit which will allow only great people coming into the US.

This time, Trump wants Congress to pass the laws he has proposed addressing the immigration laws that includes border wall, changing rules to issue Visas that are allotted to immigrants and other immigration-related laws. Though Congress is controlled by Republicans, the dispute between conservatives and moderates have delayed the process.

About 81 percent of the Republicans have approved Trump’s handling of the issue. But Donald Trump’s request for US$25 billion to build the wall is being opposed by many congressmen. Commenting on Trump’s decision of building a wall, the Republican Senator Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee said, “I don’t think it would be helpful, so let’s try to avoid it.”

Previously, objections over spending levels and immigration had led to the shut down of the US government over a weekend in January. This incident was followed by another shut down in the month of February for a few hours. Lets  hope for the best!! Stay tuned for the latest updates!

Trump-Putin Summit: Date and Time Are Reportedly Set to Be Announced

The US president is anticipated to attend the North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO) summit organized next month in Brussels and has made plans to visit the UK as well. Soon after this, Trump is planning to meet the Russian leader Vladimir Putin in a summit in Europe. Though the two leaders have met twice during international conferences last year, a formal summit meeting is yet to happen.

President Donald Trump meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 Summit, Friday, July 7, 2017, in Hamburg. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The meeting is reportedly set to be held in mid-July. The exact date, time, and venue are said to be announced together by Washington and Moscow. The meeting is most likely to be held in a third country and Finland might be the prospective location. The complete details will be out by Thursday evening.

After Russia’s interference in the US’ 2016 elections, the relationship between the two countries was defied. With this meeting, the internal friction between the two countries might mitigate. Russia might aim to seek deliverance from economic sanctions charged on the Kremlin by the US and other European countries.

The meeting will be important because of the international prominence of the two countries. Expectations from this summit are kept low as this could just be a public relations event between the two countries.

The topics that would be discussed in this summit are unknown, but Russia’s support to the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has always angered Trump and his NATO partners. This could be a potential topic that could be talked about in the summit.

Trump projected his interest in improving the relationship with Russia by congratulating Putin for his election victory in March even after his advisers stopped him from doing so. Though the Kremlin officials want the two leaders to discuss matters related to Syria, Ukraine, North Korea, and Nuclear negotiations, they think that it would be very difficult to even crack a minimal deal in these matters.

Trump-Putin summit would be the first formal meeting of the two leaders. Polished statements are expected from both the sides; expectations are kept low and it is hoped that something positive will come out of the meeting.

Will the Highly Anticipated Meeting Between Trump and Kim Happen?

The world is looking forward to the meeting scheduled to take place between the US President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un of North Korea. After the date was fixed and both sides started preparing for it, President Trump cancelled it citing the reason as North Korea’s “hostility”. Barely few hours after this cancellation, Trump again expressed his willingness to go ahead with this meet saying that things are moving nicely.


After this off-again, on-again drama, now it looks like the meeting will happen as scheduled on June 12th. President Trump has asked his advisors to prepare for this important meeting brushing aside their concerns. The top advisors were of the opinion that it is too short a time to prepare for such an important meet.

Both sides are preparing for it with the US officials already in North Korea to discuss things. The former ambassador to South Korea, Sung Kim is leading this American team. They held talks with Choe Son-hui, the North Korean Vice-Foreign Minister preparing the groundwork for the forthcoming meet.

North Korea has also sent their former spy chief and senior official Kim Yong-Chol to the US. He is one of the most influential persons in the country outside the Kim dynasty and is often called the right-hand man of Kim. He has been involved in talks between North and South Korea. He headed for the US after taking a brief stop in Beijing, which suggests the involvement of China too in the historic summit if it happens.

This will be the first-ever summit between a North Korean leader and a sitting US President. Both the sides are working hard to make this meet happen.

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